Parenting Tips
Parenting Tips

Eight most important parenting tips those I believe every parent should consider

1. Express your love and care:
Your child is the most precious thing you have and don’t hesitate to express your love and care. Your love Is Unconditional and show them through action. Your expression love to your children can be as simple as giving them hugs, spending quality time with them, having family meals together, and listening to your child’s problems seriously.

2. Be a Good Role Model:
Be a Good Role Model. Walk the walk. Don’t just tell your child what you want them to do. When you do tasks cheerfully (or at least without grumbling or complaining), you teach your child to do the same. Your child is spending most of his time with you and thus learns a great deal from you and your attitude towards sports, academics and other spheres of life impact your child’s choices too.

3. Try to Set Limits and Be Consistent With Your Discipline:
Make clear rules and stick to them, such as how long your child can watch TV or when she has to go to bed. Be clear about what behavior is okay and what is not okay. Talk with your child about respecting others. Encourage him to help people in need.

4. Be A Safe Haven For Your Child:
Talk to your child and also listen to them carefully. Always keep an open line of communication, it will provide a better relationship with your child and your child will come to you when there’s a problem. You don’t have to provide solutions. Sometimes just careful and active listening and talk to them helps, asking clarifying questions using simple words will help them make sense of their experiences and integrate their memories.

5. Teach them to balance between joy and fun:
Help your child develop a sense of responsibility—ask him to help with household tasks, such as setting the table. Do fun things together as a family, such as playing games, reading, and going to events in your community.

6. Boost Your Child's Self-Esteem:
Try to boost your child’s self esteem by praising your child for good behavior. It’s best to focus praise more on what your child does (“you worked hard to figure this out”) than on traits she can’t change (“you are smart”). Focus on their strengths, avoid harsh and critical comments. But don’t overpraise.

7. Careful about your words and tone:
Children value your words and your tone too. You should be careful about your word selection for the kids and you can express a great deal from your tone. However, make sure that you do not make it negative or hurtful. Be firm and clear in what you want your child do and then leave the rest to child’s discretion. Keep your instructions or commands simple and direct rather than leaving scope for any ambiguity.

8. Take care of your mental health and prevent parental burnout:
Pay attention to your own well-being to prevent parental stress and burnout. Oftentimes, things such as your own needs or the health of your marriage are kept on the back burner when a child is born. If you don’t pay attention to them, they will become bigger problems down the road. Take time to take care of your won mental health and well being and strengthen your relationship with your spouse.

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